Quinto Bookshop

Quinto Bookshop

London, United Kingdom

Librería en AbeBooks desde 28 de febrero de 2020

Valoración del vendedor:

Valoración 5 estrellas

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Información detallada sobre el vendedor

FIND US AT THE YORK NATIONAL BOOK FAIR 15-16 SEPTEMBER. We are proud of our history as a renowned second hand bookshop on the world-famous Charing Cross Road in central London. Quinto was established in 1983 on 48a Charing Cross Road by Hay Cinema Bookshop Ltd. when it took over from E. Joseph, one of the first booksellers on the street. Quinto soon became famous for the long queues outside when they had their monthly changeovers. Over the years they built up a loyal customer base. In 2010 Quinto and their next door neighbours, antiquarian booksellers Francis Edwards, a London business founded in 1855 and already under the same ownership, moved to their joint new premises a few doors away at 72 Charing Cross Road. In March 2020, following the sudden impact of the COVID 19 pandemic, and amidst increasing challenges to the second hand book trade, it was decided not to renew the lease on the shop on Charing Cross Road and Quinto Bookshop moved online. Francis Edwards continues to trade at Hay Cinema Bookshop in Hay-on-Wye, specialising in rare and antiquarian books. Quinto only sells on the internet for the time being, continuing a long tradition of selling quality second hand and collectible books.

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